Saturday, May 16, 2020

Diversity And Diversity Of The Australian Government...

It is important for educators to understand issues of diversity and difference to ensure no students are disadvantaged and all students are treated equally. While the Australian Government provides educators with curricula, the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) for Kindergarten educators and the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) for primary and high school educators, these curricula should be seen as guidelines and not black and white. Educators will constantly run into situations that the EYLF or the ACARA do not have an answer for. Therefore it is important for educators to have a strong understanding of the diversity and differences among their students. Having the ability to understand and recognise†¦show more content†¦Culture can be interpreted has how one acts and thinks (Lawrence, Brooker Goodnow, 2012, p. 75). Educators need to be able to get into the minds of children and understand how a child thinks and acts. Cultural understa nding and acknowledgment will help educators interpret children and get the best out of them. Understanding, acknowledging and encouraging cultural diversity in the classroom will help children feel accepted and worthwhile instead of disadvantaged. The gender equality issue within our society stems from what children are being taught from the day they are born. Whether it is conscious or sub-conscious children are being taught at an early age the stereotypes of what it is to be a girl or a boy. â€Å"Choices about what they will play with or wear are made for younger children and, by the time they come to make their own, they have already learnt what is expected of them and will often behave accordingly.† (National Union of Teachers, 2013, p.3). Educators calling on girls to do chores around the classroom or not allowing boys to play in the family corner they are only help in print these stereotypes into the minds of the children. It has been said that children soak up their social environment like sponges, so by sending out new social messages educators are able to create a

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