Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on One Argument for Gods Existence - 1441 Words

Throughout time, the question has always arose concerning the existence of God or some type of supernatural being who created the Universe. There are many arguments and explanations that explain if God truly does exist. One such explanation is the Teleological Argument, which bases its explanation of the existence of God on the design and purpose of known things. For instance, we know that there are trees and plants, and that they need sunlight and water in order to grow. Those trees and plants grow from the ground, which is part of the earth. The earth is part of the universe and God had created the universe hence God does exist. The universe works all too perfect for it to have been created in a spontaneous explosion, in it†¦show more content†¦Sharks patrol the oceans depths searching for food to eat whether they are injured fish or trash dumped in the water. Their bodies have great immune systems, which allow them to eat and digest almost anything. Even the most unlikely and unwanted creatures around the household are needed for our survival. Flies, which can be annoying most times, are crucial to the survival of the environment. They feed on the fecal matter of animals and rotting food, their digestive track is specifically designed for that purpose. The design of these animals and their purpose is too perfect to have been created by accident and therefore, this plus many other reasons are what proves that God really does exist. To begin Ill start with insects. There are thousands of different types of insects around the world, and each of them does different things to help nature. Some insects serve as trash dispensers by eating non-wanted material on the surface of the ground. Flies and beetles eat animal feces that contain numerous flesh-eating bacterias that would normally poison and in some cases kill a human or any type of animal. God created these insects for a reason. They could not live without the existence of mammals and without those certain insects we wouldnt be able to live. Other types of insects are used to ferment plants. Bees, for example when traveling from flower-to-flower, carry pollen on their wings. When they land on another flower pollenShow MoreRelatedKant And Anselm : Argument For God s Existence1129 Words   |  5 PagesKant and Anselm: The Argument for God’s Existence Philosophers have for long debated on the existence of a Supreme all powerful and all perfect God, Kant, and Anselm being among them. Where Anselm has supported the presence of God and all the attributes that regard to the Him, Kant has risen up with a counter argument. The interaction between the two, the philosophical objection raised by Kant, and what this means to the rest of mankind will be analyzed in this paper. 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